The 5 benefits of sweet potato as a superfood that helps with weight control in pets, owners should know about!

24 Feb 2022

The 5 benefits of sweet potato as a superfood that helps with weight control in pets, owners should know about!t


Did you know? Sweet potatoes have the ability to control a pet’s weight?

The majority of pet owners probably face the problem of overweight pets, which often leads to other major health issues. This makes the topic of pet food even more important and pet owners should be aware about the ingredients in them. So today, we would like to introduce you to the advantages of sweet potatoes; the best ingredient for weight control in pets. Moreover, it has become one of the fastest growing, most interesting, main ingredients in the industry of pet food.



Besides being one of the greatest superfoods for human, sweet potatoes are also included in pet food. It can be seen that sweet potatoes are often used as an important ingredient in the pet food industry. Sweet potatoes are rich in nutrients that are essential for a pet’s health and serves well with the Limited Ingredient Diet (LID), which has been a great challenge for animal-feed manufacturers in limiting certain nutrients that may cause pet allergies, but still need to maintain a complete nutritious diet in pet food. In fact, sweet potatoes are beneficial for pets as follows.

1. Help with weight control

First off, sweet potatoes help directly with weight control in pets. Sweet potatoes are so rich in fiber, which can make pets feel full quite rapidly and reduce overeating.

2. A better excretory system

Sweet potatoes contain natural fibers. Besides helping with weight control, it can also help with the pet’s excretory system. Pets benefit from sweet potatoes in constipation and excretion reduction, which can be a common health issue in pets.

3. Strengthen the muscles & growth development

Other than that, sweet potatoes are also rich in nutrients and proteins. These natural nutrients and proteins contribute to muscle strengthening and growth development, keeping pets strong and healthy.

4. Improves vision & nourishes the eyesight

Beta-carotene can also be found in sweet potatoes and is one of the main nutrients. Beta-carotene helps increase better vision, nourishes the eyesight, and reduces a variety of different eye problems in pets.

5. Contributes to antioxidants

Last but not least, sweet potatoes contribute highly to antioxidants. Antioxidants contains anthocyanin that helps fight off cancer and slow downs the aging process in pets.


Tips: Is it possible for pets to eat raw sweet potatoes?

Although sweet potatoes contain many benefits toward pets, it is not recommended to feed them raw. They can be hard to chew, which is prone to choking and can also difficult to digest.

Therefore, choosing the right pet food that contains sweet potatoes as an ingredient is highly recommended. It can be another healthy option for your pet and is much safer.



The 5 benefits of sweet potato as a superfood that helps with weight control in pets, owners should know about!
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